This video was produced by Encore Video Productions to honor Joan Embery as the OUTSTANDING CELEBRITY VOLUNTEER at the annual luncheon held on National Philanthropy Day. The event is sponsored by the San Diego chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. (AFP)
Joan Embrey Born in San Diego in 1949 Joan Embery spent her childhood camping under the stars, hiking the canyons and watching the sun set. She is a champion of environmental, conservation and preservation issues around the world. While at San Diego State University Joan specialized in zoology and telecommunications and completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication at Eastern Illinois University.
Joan Embery & Duane Pillsbury Awarded the San Diego Zoo Global Conservation Advocates Award for 20118/11/2011
Renowned animal and environmental advocate Joan Embery and her husband Duane Pillsbury received the Conservation Medal, the top honor from San Diego Zoo Global, on August 11th, 2011.
Enjoy this video for the San Diego River Park Foundation Feb 2010 gala which paid tribute to wildlife legend Joan Embery. Proceeds benefitted the Foundation's new education center project.
News and OldsNew, old, and everything in betweenMedia appearances, press releases, news, and events from Joan Embery, the Embery Institute for Wildlife Conservation, Pillsbury Ranch, Lakeside Saddle & Driving Club, and more.